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Membership benefits (student members)

Benefits for students include the same benefits received by professional members:

  • access in the ACM Digital Library to the Proceedings of all the SIGAI sponsored conferences and many in-cooperation conferences;
  • discounts on registration at SIGAI sponsored conferences;
  • networking and leadership opportunities through SIGAI activities, student and professional chapter meetings, and the ACM student website;
  • opportunities for support to attend conferences sponsored by SIGAI to present a paper. Contact the conference chair for details;
  • mentoring for PhD students by senior researchers at some conferences sponsored by SIGAI and at the AAAI/SIGAI Doctoral Consortium

Are you interested in joining SIGAI?

Visit the page devoted to ACM student members at The page has links to valuable services, such as

  • the Professional Developement Center, which provides access to many free on-line books and free courses;
  • the Job Board at the Career Resource Center, which lists job opportunities and provides a place for posting resumes.

In addition, you can access ACM magazines, manage your Web account, access the Digital Library, and much more.