Bias, Ethics, and Policy

We are planning a series of posts on Bias, starting with the background and context of bias in general and then focusing on specific instances of bias in current and emerging areas of AI. Ultimately, this information is intended to inform ideas on public policy. We look forward to your comments and suggestions for a robust discussion.

Extensive work “A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning” by Ninareh Mehrabi et al. will be useful for the conversation. The guest co-author of the ACM SIGAI Public Policy blog posts on Bias will be Farhana Faruqe, doctoral student in the George Washington University Human-Technology Collaboration program.

A related announcement is about the new section on AI and Ethics in the Springer Nature Computer Science journal. “The AI & Ethics section focuses on how AI techniques, tools, and technologies are developing, including consideration of where these developments may lead in the future. It seeks to promote informed debate and discussion of the current and future developments in AI, and the ethical, moral, regulatory, and policy implications that arise from these developments.” As a Co-Editor of the new section, I welcome you to submit a manuscript and contact me with any questions and suggestions.

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