I attended ASE 2021 to share and discuss the latest work in my PhD with the community as well as learn from the presentations and sharing of other leading researchers in the field.
First, I learned about the important research problems that other researchers are trying to solve in the field of Software Engineering in general and Software Security in particular. I also got to know about the potential solutions, specifically Artificial Intelligence based ones, being used to address such problems. Secondly, besides the technical knowledge, I also attended many social and sharing events hosted by respectable members in the area to exchange ideas and receive advice on various useful topics, for example, pathways after PhD, work-life balance, how to do impact research. These events have widened my horizons and helped me prepare better for the next stages of my life and career. ASE 2021 had many wonderful talks and events. However, if I were to choose one, I would pick the keynote on “Solving Software Security Challenges with Artificial Intelligence” given by Professor Laurie Williams. The talk is most relevant to my current research topic on applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Software Security. I specifically find the part about the challenges of current AI solutions thought-provoking as it inspires me to do contemplate how to make the AI-enabled results from my research more reliable and actionable.
It is my first time to attend and present a paper at Automated Software Engineering (ASE), a premier conference in Software Engineering. I would like to sincerely thank ACM SIGAI for sponsoring my attendance at ASE 2021. Despite the constraints of the pandemic, I still find the experience at ASE this year very memorable and useful for both my academic and personal development. The conference enabled me to communicate my latest research on automated vulnerability assessment with the community. I also had the opportunity to virtually meet and engage in fruitful discussions with world-class researchers who have inspired me to pursue my current research topic. I am glad to be a part of this community and hope to attend future ASE conferences in person.
Triet presented DeepCVA: Automated Commit-level Vulnerability Assessment with Deep Multi-task Learning, https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.08041 (arXiv pre-print), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhuZvtkfPPo (YouTube video of presentation)