AAAI Policy Initiative
AAAI has established a new mailing list on US Policy that will focus exclusively on the discussion of US policy matters related to artificial intelligence. All members and affiliates are invited to join the list at
Participants will have the opportunity to subscribe or unsubscribe at any time. The mailing list will be moderated, and all posts will be approved before dissemination. This is a great opportunity for another productive partnership between AAAI and SIGAI policy work.
EPIC Panel on June 5th

A panel on AI, Human Rights, and US policy, will be hosted by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) at their annual meeting (and celebration of 25th anniversary) on June 5, 2019, at the National Press Club in DC. Our Lorraine Kisselburgh will join Harry Lewis (Harvard), Sherry Turkle (MIT), Lynne Parker (UTenn and White House OSTP director for AI), Sarah Box (OECD), and Bilyana Petkova (EPIC and Maastricht) to discuss AI policy directions for the US. The event is free and open to the public. You can register at
2019 ACM SIGAI Election Reminder
Please remember to vote and to review the information on Please note that 16:00 UTC, 14 June 2019 is the deadline for submitting your vote. To access the secure voting site, you will enter your email address (the one associated with your ACM/SIG member record) to reach the menu of active SIG elections for which you are eligible. In the online menu, select your Special Interest Group and enter the 10-digit Unique Pin.
AI Research Roadmap
The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is requesting comments on the draft of A 20-Year Community Roadmap for AI Research in the US. Please submit your comments here by May 28, 2019. See the AI Roadmap Website for more information.
Here is a link to the whole report and links to individual sections: