ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence

We promote and support the growth and application of AI principles and techniques throughout computing

Are you considering organizing a conference? Or starting a new conference series? Think about requesting either sponsorship or in-cooperation status from SIGAI!

Your conference advertisement will reach more than a thousand members of the SIGAI organization and thousands more at ACM. The ACM organizer conference manual provides detailed information. Here is a brief description of the sponsorship and in-cooperation or sponsorship possibilities.  Further details are available from the ACM SIGAI Conference Coordinator:

Check all the available information and resources:

Requesting Conference Sponsorship with ACM/SIGAI

 A sponsored or co-sponsored conference is a conference for which SIGAI assumes financial and technical responsibility. Sponsorship is treated as a long-term relationship by SIGAI intended to cover a conference series over a number of years.  Proceedings will be copyrighted by ACM and be in the Digital Library, unless specific agreements are in place with other co-sponsors.  Expressions for interest in sponsorship should be made with this information in mind.

SIGAI sponsorship provides many benefits:

  1. ACM will assist the conference organizers with overall conference arrangements and budget planning.
  2. ACM will assist the conference organizers with hotel selection and contract negotiations.
  3. ACM will support financial transactions for the conference with an option to coordinate registrations on-line with the conference accounts
  4. The proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
  5. The announcement of the conference will be posted on the SIGAI web site.
  6. The ACM SIGAI logo and name can be used on any publicity about the conference.
  7. The conference will be listed in the ACM calendar.
  8. Access to the ACM SIGAI Travel Award scheme.

We recommend reading the conference manual (linked above) before expressing interest in SIGAI sponsorship.  To express interest in sponsorship from SIGAI, contact the SIGAI Chair and Conference Coordinator providing the following information:

  1. Name and Description of the conference series.
  2. Intended audience and size.
  3. Organization of the conference series – i.e., composition of steering committee or similar.
  4.  Brief history of the conference series – e.g., time and place of previous events in the series or pre-cursor events.
    Holding a Conference In-Cooperation with ACM/SIGAI

    An in-cooperation conference is a conference sponsored by another organization that wishes to have a formal connection with ACM SIGAI and its members. This arrangement implies no financial involvement from ACM SIGAI, and it is straightforward to obtain, provided that:

    1. The technical meeting meets Association standards of technical excellence and has reasonable relevance to the activities of ACM SIGAI.
    2. Benefits will accrue to the technical meeting because of the cooperation of ACM SIGAI.
    3. Benefits will accrue to ACM SIGAI because of its cooperation.
    4. Association members are encouraged to participate on the organizing committee.
    5. The organizing committee agrees that within 3 months a short post-meeting report summarizing the results is to be forwarded to the Conference Coordinator of ACM SIGAI.
    6. The organizing committee agrees to state that this meeting is “in-cooperation with ACM SIGAI” in all references to the conference including conference promotions, proceedings, press releases, etc.
    7. ACM members are entitled to the same registration fee as available to member of sponsoring organizations.
    8. ACM members may purchase proceedings at the same rate as sponsoring organizations.
    9. A table is provided in the registration area for a display of ACM membership and publication literature if needed.
    10. Proof of liability insurance is provided by all sponsoring organizations.

    In-cooperation provides important benefits:

    1. The announcement of the conference will be posted on the SIGAI web site.
    2. The ACM SIGAI logo and name can be used on any publicity about the conference.
    3. The conference will be listed in the ACM calendar.
    4. Access to the ACM SIGAI Travel Award scheme after one successful in-cooperation event held.

    For information on how to obtain the in-cooperation status read the SIG Conference Manual – In-Cooperation Conference Guidelines and submit to ACM the In Cooperation Technical Meeting Request Forms (InCoop TMRF) using the on-line application. We welcome expressions of interest in in-cooperation arrangements prior to submission of the TMRF.  To express interest in sponsorship from SIGAI, contact the SIGAI Conference Coordinator providing the following information:

    1. Name and Description of the conference series.
    2. Intended audience and size.
    3. Organization of the conference series – i.e., composition of steering committee or similar.
    4.  Brief history of the conference series – e.g., time and place of previous events in the series or pre-cursor events.

    Please note that we do not, in general, agree to in-cooperation requests for international conference series with broad remits that have not been held in at least three different countries over the past five years.



    ACM SIGAI supports student attendance at events sponsored by SIGAI or organized in cooperation with SIGAI subject to its annual budget for student travel support, and may also exceptionally consider supporting events not associated with ACM SIGAI. ACM SIGAI also more generally supports attendance at events from participants who would otherwise be deterred from attending for cost reasons, such as academics from universities in the global south.

    As a secondary consideration, ACM SIGAI wants to benefit its members by giving them access to travel awards. Events will be encouraged to consider ACM SIGAI membership as one of the prioritisation factors for their travel awards.


    Events wishing to receive travel support money should apply to the ACM SIGAI conference coordinator in the first instance. When contacting the conference coordinator they should outline

    • The nature of the funds requested (e.g., free registration as a prize for best student paper, student travel support scheme, general hardship travel support scheme).
    • The eligibility requirements for the travel support money (e.g., students, academics from particular communities).
    • How they intend to prioritize receipt of travel support money (e.g., those presenting papers, ACM SIGAI membership, those who need to travel further to attend, specific minorities).
    • How much support is being requested (if known)

    Applications for travel support are accepted on a rolling basis without any set deadline. The amount of money allocated will depend upon ACM SIGAI’s budget for travel support.

    ACM SIGAI aims to make decisions within two months of receipt of an application.  Any decisions on funding are final, and ACM SIGAI reserves the right to approve only part of the requested funding.


    By applying for travel support to ACM SIGAI, the applicant agrees to submit a written event report outlining how the money was spent. This report should list who received travel support including

    1. Name
    2. Institution
    3. Amount awarded and whether this covered expenses, conference registration or both.
    4. Whether they had a paper accepted at the conference.
    5. Whether they were a student, academic or other attendee.

    Events will not be allocated further travel support awards if they have not submitted a report.

    In general ACM SIGAI does not give travel awards to conferences in the first year of their association with the organisation. 


    ACM SIGAI sponsored events should include the travel support money in the budget they agree with the ACM as a line item on the revenue side under Internal Transfers. ACM will then transfer the agreed amount of money to the conference.

    Events that are in-cooperation with ACM SIGAI should invoice the ACM after the event for the agreed amount.

    SIGAI sponsored conferences


    AAAI/ACM conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society


    Automated Software Engineering


    ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium


    ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization


    Human-Robot Interaction


    International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems


    Annual Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces


    ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents


    International Conference on Knowledge Capture

    Sponsored and in-cooperation conferences

    • {{Conference}} - Start: {{Start Date}} - End: {{End Date}} - Status: {{Status}} - {{Website}}