ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence

We promote and support the growth and application of AI principles and techniques throughout computing

Edith Elkind (2023 Autonomous Agents Research Award)

by | Feb 28, 2024 | Research Award | 0 comments

The selection committee for the ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award is pleased to announce that Professor Edith Elkind is the recipient of the 2023 award. Edith Elkind is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. Her work provides fundamental understanding of economic paradigms in multiagent systems, with a particular focus on computational social choice and game theory. She has made important contributions to the computational analysis of cooperative games, as well as to the studies of structured domains in elections, and hedonic games. Professor Elkind supervised two PhD theses that won the Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award. Her service to the community has been extraordinary; among many other roles, she has served both as a program chair and a general chair for AAMAS, and as a program chair for IJCAI, ACM EC, WINE, and COMSOC.

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